Medigap Plan L

This Medicare Supplement plan comes with a lower monthly premium and offers cost-sharing. Plan L is also one of the two plans with a limit on out-of-pocket costs.

What Does Plan L Cover?

Medicare Supplement Plan L coverage includes:

  • 100% Part A hospital coinsurance costs
  • 75% of Part A deductible
  • 75% of Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • 75% for the first three pints of blood and 95% for blood taken after the first three pints
  • 75% of skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
  • 75% Part B coinsurance or copayment

Plan L does not offer coverage for the Part B deductible or excess charges. Also, it does not cover foreign travel emergency charges.

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Costs Of Medicare Supplement Plan L

As a cost-sharing plan, you still have to pay for out-of-pocket costs associated with Plan L. This includes Medicare Part B deductibles and excess charges. However, the cap on out-of-pocket costs means that after you pay $3,110 (as of 2021) for Original Medicare and also the Part B deductible, Plan L will pay 100% of the Original Medicare expenses for the entire year.

Scott Sims Insurance Can Help You Make The Right Decision

If you want to enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan that offers an out-of-pocket yearly limit, Plan L might be the right choice for you.

The licensed insurance agents at Scott Sims Insurance will help you review Plan L’s costs and coverage benefits. All you have to do is reach out to our Oregon office for all the information and guidance to reach a decision that aligns with your healthcare needs and budget.

Call us today at (541) 762-5599 to learn more.