Medicare Supplements

Medicare Supplements, also known as Medigap, offer coverage for the out-of-pocket costs that are not covered by Original Medicare. 

There are ten Medicare Supplement plans: A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. Each offers its own type of coverage, so consider Medigap as an additional benefit that helps you save significantly.

Benefits Of Medicare Supplement Policy

Although all Medigap insurance plans offer different coverage and benefits, there are certain benefits that are common to all of them. These benefits include:

  • Coinsurance costs of Medicare Part A
  • Hospice care coinsurance and copayments of Medicare Part A
  • Coinsurance or copayments of Medicare Part B
  • First three pints of blood used for transfusions

In addition to these essential benefits, the more features you include in your Medigap insurance plan, the more it will cost. But you will still be able to save a considerable amount of money as you won’t have to cover these costs out-of-pocket like you would with just Original Medicare coverage.

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Selecting The Right Medicare Supplement Plan

You can only sign up for a Medigap plan if you have already enrolled for Original Medicare Parts A and B. To find the right supplement plan, you’ll need to do some comparisons. Fortunately, you can trust Scott Sims Insurance to help you compare all costs and coverage for each plan and carrier.

The Best Time To Get A Medicare Supplement Plan

The Medigap Open Enrollment Period lasts for six months following your 65th birthday and as soon as you are enrolled in Original Medicare. During this period, you can join any Medigap plan without the fear of rejection. But if you don’t act at the right time, you’ll get left with limited opportunities to buy a Medigap policy, and it may even be more costly. 

That’s why we always recommend you enroll as soon as you become eligible so you can get the coverage you need and avoid any mishaps with coverage or cost.

Scott Sims Insurance Can Find You a Medicare Supplement

Are you still finding it difficult to find the right Medicare Supplement plan for you?

Scott Sims Insurance can help you. We are a team of professionals who believe in finding you all the health care benefits you need. This is why we guide you throughout the entire process to help you make the best decision for yourself. 

To learn more about Medicare Supplement Plans, call us today at (541) 762-5599.